KD Jewelry/Katarina Doda
Country: Skopje, Macedonia
Tribal Affiliation: Macedonian
How to Purchase:
Email: dodakatarina@yahoo.com
Website: https://www.culturalsurvival.org/publications/cultural-survival-quarterly/silver-lace-katarina-doda
Katarina Doda is a silversmith from North Macedonia who makes filigree art. Filigree, one of the oldest techniques for jewelry making globally, involves delicate metalwork typically done with gold and silver, using tiny beads and twisted threads soldered together. Doda elaborates, "The entire process is manual, utilizing silver as the primary material. Occasionally, I incorporate semi-precious stones such as amethyst, opal, red and white coral, or natural pearls." She begins by melting silver with a specialized furnace, drawing wire, and fashioning her unique designs into jewelry. "Once the silver wire is prepared, I proceed to bring my ideas and designs to life. Finally, the jewelry undergoes cleaning using various acids, polishing creams, and paints to achieve the desired finish."
Doda's family heritage has bequeathed this art from one generation to the next; her upbringing steeped in its tradition. "This craft is a cherished tradition within our family, and I am simply carrying forward our ancestral trade," she reflects. "Filigree jewelry has been an integral part of my life since childhood."
Click here learn more about Katarina Doda.